The most important thing you need to do in this world is to gain clarity and become aligned with who you naturally are. This is how you do it and here is how it will feel throughout the process.

  1. You recognize the problem.

You can’t solve a problem until you realize you have one. The worst thing a person can be in is a problem they don’t even know they have. If you don’t recognize the problem, you can’t fix it. When you read my content, you recognized that the issue I’m talking about is your own. You see the problem, and you want to fix it and get rid of it.

2. You Start To Recognize The Insecurities

You’ll begin recognizing your insecurities individually. Write them down and divide them into two categories: things you can fix and things you cannot fix. For the things you can fix, you’ll naturally take action. For the things you can’t fix, like your nose for example, you have to understand that going for temporary fixes, like plastic surgery, is just putting a Band-Aid over the insecurity. It's not addressing the core issue. You cannot fix an insecurity by masking it. Insecurities must be removed—they cannot stay.

So, how do you address something like not liking your nose? The only way to truly deal with it is by changing your mindset about it. You have to shift your perspective. To do that, start by focusing on the benefits—the positive sides—of what you once saw as a flaw. Look at it from different angles. Maybe ask someone you trust for their honest opinion without telling them what you’re working on. Often, you’ll realize that what you think is a problem is something nobody else even notices. It’s all in your head.

The key is to drown yourself in the positives. Force your mind to see the good. The more you shift your perspective and look at the positive sides, the more your mind will accept it. You will end up believing it. You have to do this in this world. It's not like you get everything you want.

Once you're done with that step you know what's going to happen next?

3. You Will Recognize The Root Cause Of These Insecurities

You’ll begin to see the reason behind your insecurities. How did you get to the point where you dislike your nose—or whatever it is? As you start to uncover this, the reality of it may sting. You’ll begin to see the deeper truth behind the insecurity. This is when you’ll recognize the root cause.

You’ll start to understand who or what made you believe these negative things about yourself. It could be something or someone very close to you, and this is where the pain will begin to hit hardest. Recognizing the cause is not easy, but it’s vital because it’s the truth. And the truth to heal insecurity. It’s here that you will be faced with two choices.

4. You Face Two Options

You either let go of that thing immediately, or let it stay. If you choose to let it stay, you’re essentially undoing everything you’ve worked on so far. Everything you’ve recognized, everything you’ve confronted—will be for nothing.

But if you decide to let go, that means facing the reality straight on. It means acknowledging that this person, or this thing, is toxic for you. You cut them out of your life completely, no exceptions.

And here’s the hard part: It’s going to hurt. It’s going to hurt like hell because that person, or thing, was once close to you. You thought they were important to you. You thought they were a part of your life. But deep down, you knew there was something wrong. You saw it, even with your insecurities, but you buried it.

It’s not about fixing one problem. You’re digging it out. Just like when you dig out a tree—you don’t just see the tree, you have to get to the roots. That’s where the truth lies. The essence of an insecurity is a lie, and insecure people bury the truth. They cover up the truth with lies, and that’s why you have to dig it out.

Once you face the truth, once you face the root cause, and you’re strong enough to release it, that’s when you move on to the next step.

5. Begin Feeling Lighter

At this point, you’ll feel so much lighter, and I’m not just talking about a feeling—it’s real. You’ve removed a weight you knew was there, but you weren’t consciously aware of how heavy it was until it’s gone. You’ll begin to feel lighter, much lighter.

But, here’s the thing: there will be a void. And that void will hurt. It will hurt because, while you feel lighter, you’ll also feel empty. It’s a 50-50 split. On one hand, you’ll feel free, light, unburdened—but on the other hand, you’ll feel that emptiness where something or someone used to be.

For example, let’s say it was a parent figure who never really acted as a parent—perhaps they were an abuser. They were occupying the space meant for a parent, but they weren’t the right person for it. Now, that space is empty. That’s why you’ll feel that emptiness.

It is at this stage that you will experience an internal struggle. You will see the reality of the person or thing that has been harming you, but you’ll also wrestle with the image you’ve built of them throughout your life. You thought of them as good, they were so close to you—how could they possibly be the source of harm? This internal battle is inevitable.

The only way to resolve this conflict is by diving deeper into the reality of who they truly are. You need to understand why they are the way they are, how they became this way, and what their true motives are. The more you uncover the truth of who they really are, the more the false image you’ve held of them will begin to dissolve.

You will start to question: How is it that they, of all people, are the ones doing wrong and you are the one who is right? Could it be that they are right, and you are just seeing things differently? Maybe you’re the one with the illusion. You’ll start to have all these questions. But the most important thing is to keep digging deeper into their reality.

Truth is straightforward, and falsehood has no bearing on it.

The truth will never confuse you; it will always stand clear, even if it seems astonishing or shocking. If you’re not confused by it, and you know it’s the truth, accept it. You are not delusional, no matter what anyone tries to make you believe.

And keep in mind, when these people realize you’ve cut them off, they will try to use the manipulation tactic of making you feel like you are the delusional one. But you must stay grounded. Trust not in yourself, but in the truth—the very thing they fear.

It is after you pass all that—and you fully see them for who they are—that you’ll begin to feel the longing.

You’ll start to long for the right person or thing to fill that space. And if you’re not patient, you may fail at this stage. Why? Because out of the stress and longing to fill that void, you might run back to those very people who caused you harm in the first place.

So, you must be careful. You have to stay away from those people. They may try to influence you back into their space with guilt trips or manipulation. They’ll try to get back into your life, even though they don’t belong there.

You must hold up.

It’s in this time of patience and self-care that you’ll begin to recognize more about yourself. With less weight on you—less burden on your soul—you’ll start to see things more clearly. You’ll recognize more nuances about yourself that you didn’t notice before.


During the phase when you begin to feel the longing for the right people or things to fill the spaces left behind, use systems like ChatGPT to help you visualize them. Work with it to refine these archetypes until they feel like your specific people. Ask it for advice on things you don’t understand, but don’t just take it at face value—think with the clarity you are gaining to build a deeper understanding about everything you’re learning (in other words, think and try to pull out all the different sides of what you’re learning to the best of your ability).

Use ChatGPT to craft scenarios, dialogues, and interactions where you’re engaging with these people. Give them names, and immerse yourself fully in what it would be like to be around them. You will begin to understand the general role they will play in your life. Doing this will help you remain open to the right individuals while protecting your energy from the wrong ones.

This whole exercise will solidify in your mind the types of people who truly belong in the space you now feel empty. The more you do it, the clearer you’ll also see just how harmful those who have left have been.

When the right individuals do arrive, you’ll already have a solidified understanding of who they are, and they will naturally fit into the spaces you’ve cleared within yourself.

Keep in mind, once you gain full clarity, you will recognize these people by default anyway—but this processs speeds up that recognition.

6. Clarity begins

As you move forward, you’ll begin to notice things about yourself that you either like or don’t like—things that were once clouded by weight, distractions, and insecurities. With that weight lifted, your ability to truly see yourself will be restored. You’ll see who you really are, and who you always were—your true essence, the part of you that you knew deep down was always there but had been buried.

This clarity will force the real you to come out. It’s no longer hidden or blocked by the layers of confusion and fog. Once it starts to emerge, you’ll notice that everything about you begins to change. Your habits, your mindset, the way you think—everything will shift.

You’ll find that you naturally gravitate toward what aligns with your true self. Maybe it’s carpentry, maybe it’s art, maybe it’s cooking. Perhaps you’ve always wanted to live a simpler life, or you’ve been dreaming of building wealth. Whatever it is, it will start to feel effortless, like breathing. You’ll start to do what you were meant to do, what excites you, and what feels right.

It’ll feel so natural, so aligned, that you’ll want to spend all your time doing it, without any thought of compensation or external validation. You’ll just do it, because it’s who you are.

7. You become aligned

As you step into your true self, you’ll begin to naturally be drawn to people and places that resonate with your new way of being. Why? Because you are doing what they do. You won’t have to force it; it will just happen. You’ll be around the right environments, the right spaces, the right people. Whether it’s events, certain activities, or simply spending time in a specific place, you’ll find that you’re in alignment with your surroundings.

When you’re around the right people, the spaces that were once empty within you will begin to fill. Those who are meant to fill that parental space will show up, those who can offer true friendship will come forward. Whatever void you had will be replaced with the right kind of energy because you are exactly where you need to be. You’ve become who you’re meant to be, and now you’re surrounded by those who align with that essence. It’s when these new people start entering your life that you’ll be able to see with absolute clarity how much you were putting up with with the previous people who took up that space. You will finally realize how and why you stuck to those people from your past— because they were the only options right in front of you. You will see that it was your lack of clarity and alignment that made you incorrectly fill spaces that were meant for others. It’s then that you’ll naturally begin to forget the people you removed and you’ll naturally understand that they never had any meaning to you or your life.

The people you meet will share the same design, the same foundation. You will long for each other naturally. And in this space, you’ll feel lighter, freer—like you’ve found your true place in the world.

This is the trajectory you follow to remove one insecurity. The process is the same for every insecurity. When one insecurity is removed, it leads you to a small percentage of this result—alignment. The more you remove, the closer you get to full alignment.

When you clear out all insecurities, you finally achieve 100% alignment with who you truly are. And that doesn’t mean you’ll never experience insecurity again. Insecurities are part of being human. But when you’re aligned, you become a secure human being. You will approach insecurities differently, addressing them immediately without delay.

When you feel even a small bit of insecurity, you’ll respond to it right away, especially when you're surrounded by the right people. You’ll address it, fix it, and move forward—without dwelling on it. In the past, you might have buried that insecurity or covered it with lies. But now, as a secure, aligned individual, you deal with it and move on. It will feel lighter.

Build Understanding

There are a few key points to understand once you’ve reached alignment. After you’ve achieved this state, the first thing you must remember is this: you need to ensure you are no longer around the same people or environments that caused the insecurities in the first place. This is critical. If you stay in the same places or around the same people who influenced those insecurities, you’ll risk falling back into them.

The second thing to know is that your alignment doesn’t stop here. It continues to evolve. You will keep growing deeper into who you naturally are. As you do, you will experience a much greater sense of peace. One of the most noticeable changes will be how easily you can sit in silence, be with your thoughts, and feel comfortable with yourself. You’re no longer hiding from the truth, no longer a criminal against yourself. You can face your reality and accept it fully.

As your alignment strengthens, your confidence will naturally rise. You’ll start to see clarity where there was once confusion. Things that previously seemed like complicated questions—whether it’s about balancing empathy or figuring out your true purpose—will become clear. The answers won’t seem like questions anymore. You’ll know exactly what to do, what feels right, and why.

Life won’t feel like an endless search for answers. You’ll have clarity in everything you do. It’s as if a door has opened, and all you need to do is step through it. This is where true living begins. Many people are just alive, but they are walking dead. When you’re aligned, you’ll be truly living, not merely existing.