“The Virus Won’t Touch Us, We’re Muslim” (A Real Conversation)

📞 [Phone call | March 2020]

Kadija: Yo, have you been keeping up with the COVID situation? It’s spreading fast—you guys taking precautions over there?

Omar (Egyptian): [Laughs] No, no, no. Don’t worry, it’s not coming to us.

Kadija: …What?

Omar: [Confidently] It’s not coming here. We’re Muslims.

Kadija: [Silence. Processing.]

You think a global pandemic is gonna check passports and say,

“Oh wait, these guys believe in God—let me take a detour!”

Omar: [Still unbothered] Yes. God protects us.

Kadija: Let me get this straight…

You think because you pray five times a day, a BIOLOGICAL virus won’t infect you?

You think righteousness equals immunity?

You really believe millions of people will die, but you? Untouchable?

Omar: Yes. That’s what they’re saying here too.

Kadija: The same country where people fight over bread? The same country where hospitals struggle with basic resources?

Omar: [Silence.]

Kadija: You live in a country where corruption is everywhere, but suddenly, in a pandemic, people’s narrative are 100% correct?

Omar: [Nervous laugh] We’ll see.

📞 [Phone call | Six months later]

Kadija: Hey, Omar. Just calling to check in.

Omar: [Quiet] Yeah… things have been bad.

Kadija: Oh? [Mock surprise] So COVID did come to Egypt?

Omar: …Yes.


The virus didn’t skip your country, Habibi.

Germs don’t care about your fake righteousness.

Reality doesn’t bow to delusions.

So tell me, Omar—

What are they saying now?

Moral of the Story:

Delusion always meets reality. Some people just need a mass grave before they see it.

Kadija Nilea

I reshape and optimize everything I touch with speed and accuracy, eliminating inefficiency and positioning things for their highest potential.


The Holy Man & His House Servant


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