The Most Deluded People on Earth: When An Entire Culture Ties Its Lies to God
Magnitude Defines Everything
The world does not operate on surface actions—it operates on magnitude.
A billionaire donating $300K is nothing compared to a starving man donating his last $9.
A doctor performing surgery for eight hours is not the same as someone praying for eight hours while someone bleeds out.
It’s about impact, weight, and reality.
Now, imagine tying your entire delusion, your entire corruption, and your entire identity to the only thing in existence with infinite magnitude—the Creator.
That is what the Arabs have done.
That is why their delusion is the greatest in the world.
Why There Must Be a Creator
No one made the forests. No one carved out the oceans. No one suspended the sky without pillars. No one designed the human body’s intricate systems—circulatory, neurological, immune. No one programmed the perfect balance of evaporation, precipitation, gravity, and tectonic movement.
So who did?
Everything in existence follows an order—an order too precise to be random. If a car needs a manufacturer, how could an entire universe exist without a designer?
The answer is obvious: there is a Creator.
The Creator Does Not Need Us—We Are the Ones Who Need Guidance
Some people act like rituals exist for the sake of the Creator. But that’s completely backwards.
If the Creator needed prayers, needed fasting, needed worship—it wouldn’t be a Creator.
Can you imagine Steve Jobs needing an Iphone to sustain himself. I don’t think so.
We are the ones who need guidance, just like a product needs an instruction manual to function properly.
And just like everything in nature follows a set course, we were not left without direction either.
Truth is Not a Choice—It is Reality
You think choosing a religion is about preference. It’s not.
If the Creator of everything is so precise that even the smallest electron is positioned perfectly, then the message sent to humanity must be just as precise.
That means there is no “close enough.”
Truth does not have inconsistencies. Truth does not come with contradictions. Truth is not about what “feels good.” It is about what aligns with reality.
The Core of Arab Delusion: A False Sense of Superiority
They believe that because the final message came through them, they are automatically better than everyone.
They believe their mere existence entitles them to success, power, and influence.
They believe that the world should cater to them without effort, without struggle, and without merit.
They believe their failures are temporary and everyone else’s failures are permanent.
They use God as a shield for their arrogance, their entitlement, and their stagnation.
And because they tie this delusion to the highest magnitude in existence—God Itself—they have become the most deluded people on Earth.
The Religious Justification for Cowardice, Corruption & Stagnation
Their self-inflicted failures are rooted in one thing: doing nothing, expecting everything, and blaming everyone.
They believe divine intervention will protect them while they sit and watch.
Example: When war came to their lands, some scholars ran into mosques to read books instead of defending their homes.
Example: When COVID-19 spread, some Arabs genuinely believed they were immune because they were Muslim.
Example: When a surgeon asked if he could delay prayer to save a life, they told him prayer was more important than the patient’s survival.
They believe God needs them, instead of realizing they need God.
They act as if God will collapse if they stop praying.
They believe reciting words has more weight than their actions.
They believe performative religion outweighs actual morality and responsibility.
They treat religion as a shield for their failures.
If they win, it’s because of God.
If they fail, it’s a test from God.
If others fail, it’s because they are cursed.
Everything They Do is About Image, Not Truth
Arabs are the most performative people on the planet. Everything is about how they are perceived.
They treat generosity as a performance.
They will help someone only if it can be seen (even ‘seen’ by God instead of being genuinely for the Creator).
They will give charity, but only if it enhances their reputation.
They treat status as the ultimate measure of worth.
If you have money, status, or a Western passport, you are treated like a king.
If you don’t, you are nothing.
They degrade Africans, Asians, and even their own countrymen while worshipping Westerners.
They care more about how they “look” than who they are.
Example: A woman under anesthesia moves her arm slightly, and her friend later says, “You embarrassed yourself.”
Example: They pretend to be “open-minded” by drinking, partying, and rejecting their religion—yet still use religion when it benefits them.
They run from their own culture but cling to it when convenient.
They Betray Their Own People Before Anyone Else
They destroy their own people through nepotism, corruption, and greed.
They lie, cheat, and steal from their own family, friends, and countrymen.
They treat women like furniture and children like possessions.
Their own scholars exploit them, making religion feel like a prison instead of a connection to God.
And then, when their own youth wake up and reject their nonsense, they blame them for leaving the faith—when in reality, they poisoned it themselves.
They Are Insecure About Their Own Identity & Desperately Try to Escape It
They rename their streets to sound more Western.
They prefer European languages over their own.
They shape-shift into whatever culture they admire while pretending to be proud of their own.
They secretly hate themselves but project their self-hatred onto others.
The Solution to Delusion
Face reality. Stop lying to yourself. You are not above anyone.
The moment you tie yourself to lies, excuses, and delusions—you have lost. And when you tie your delusion to the one who made everything, you have created the greatest lie possible.
Stop thinking image is everything. Stop living for performance. Stop mistaking rituals for truth. Nothing will change until you strip everything down to what’s real. Because the truth is simple:
You are just a slave like the rest of us. So act like it.