The Secure Planet Manifesto

(For those who’ve had enough of Earth and its nonsense. Here’s a breather from the air of clarity.)

Introduction: Why Earth Isn’t It

If, in some alternate reality, we had to come back to Earth after this life, we, the Secured Ones, propose an escape plan. Not because Earth doesn’t have its perks (pizza exists here, after all), but because the majority of its population insists on living a parody of themselves. It’s a planet powered by contradictions, fueled by insecurity, and ready to implode from the sheer weight of its nonsense. And we? We just want peace.

Chapter 1: Hollywood’s Greatest Trick

They say art imitates life, and nowhere is that clearer than in Hollywood. Entire movies are crafted around the absurdity of humanity. Characters stumble through chaotic, disjointed lives, showcasing the very flaws of the masses watching them. Yet, these same audiences laugh and mock, blissfully unaware that they’re laughing at the mirror.

Imagine watching a movie about characters chasing shiny objects, only to end up in existential crises. The credits roll, and instead of reflecting, people walk out saying, “Wow, that was deep,” before going home to scroll through their feed, still chasing shiny objects.

Oh, the feed. Let’s talk about it.

Chapter 2: Animals Get Fed, Humans Get Programmed

In a cosmic joke too good to ignore, the platforms people worship — YouTube, Instagram, and their like — have literally labeled their offerings “feeds.” Yes, feeds. As if the users are cattle grazing on an endless buffet of algorithms designed to fatten their minds with nonsense.

And don’t even get us started on television. The audacity to call shows “programs.” They’re not even hiding it! They’re telling you outright: “We’re programming your brain, dear viewer.” But do people blink an eye? Nope. They settle in with their snacks, ready to be reprogrammed for another evening of existential crises masked as entertainment.

Again, we’re not here to demonize YouTube or Instagram — they’re tools. But the irony? Oh, it’s chef’s kiss.

Chapter 3: The Secure Planet Vision

On Secure Planet, we’d eliminate this paradox. No “feeds.” No “programming.” Instead, we’d have a place for reflection, clarity, and purposeful action. No one would wake up thinking, “How can I fake productivity today?” Instead, they’d know exactly what they’re doing and why.

Leaders wouldn’t be bashed for sport. People wouldn’t chase shiny objects. And Hollywood? Oh, we’d still have movies — but they’d be satirical documentaries about Earth. Something for us to watch while sipping our tea, occasionally looking up to see Earth inevitably implode.

Kadija Nilea

I reshape and optimize everything I touch with speed and accuracy, eliminating inefficiency and positioning things for their highest potential.


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