WHAT DOES IT MEAN TO HAVE CLARITY- It means you can see reality for what it truly is.

WHAT DOES IT MEAN TO BE ALIGNED- It means being 100% who you are designed to be and thriving in it (you never hide from your true self—not even for a moment). This is the only way you’ll ever be truly content for your entire life.


Without clarity, you will never be aligned and when you’re not aligned, you are lost—alive but never living because you are constantly trying to be something you’re not and in the process, you build excuses and lies (layers of insecurites) to try and validate how fake you are. You already know, and not more needs to be said other than—it is a life of misery, suffering, constantly being on the run from yourself and your thoughts, chasing every distraction within reach to drown out your reality—all while you continue suffocate from your own nonsense even though their is more than enough fresh air around you. Guess what. Even if you don’t actively try to be what you’re not, you will do so anyway by default because if you’re not choosing what you do intentionally, then you are either a lunatic who has lost consciousness completely or something/someone else is choosing it for you.

You don’t have an excuse. Insecurity is the root of every problem-causing individual in this world because they’re trying to fake something that cannot be so they bring friction with themselves and to the globe at large.

Go gain clarity and become aligned with your natural self now. Here’s how.