There’s No Such Thing as a Vacation
Most people convince themselves that at some point, they’ll get a break—a permanent escape from effort, struggle, and full engagement with life.
That world does not exist.
People justify their stagnation the same way they excuse bad behavior. They tell themselves they “deserve” complete ease. But let me tell you…reality doesn’t care about your fake “deserve”.
Everything that functions must operate with precision.
- A table must be measured correctly to stand.
- A car must be built to exact specifications to run.
- A tree must grow in alignment with its structure to survive.
Your body follows the same rules:
- You get tired, you sleep.
- You get full, you digest.
- You get dirty, you clean yourself.
If you stop brushing your teeth, they rot.
If you stop eating, you starve.
If you stop breathing, you die.
So why do people think they can buy a forever vacation from reality?
The Delusion of "I Deserve a Break"
Some chase wealth thinking it will buy them an escape. Others strip life down to nothing, pretending that’s freedom. Then there are those who have suffered so much and now believe the universe “owes” them complete ease.
Same delusion, different excuse.
You could have struggled your whole life. Starved, been homeless, faced every loss imaginable. And when it’s time to get sick, you’re still going to get sick.
When it’s time to brush your teeth, you still need to brush your teeth.
When it’s time to shower, you still need to shower.
No One Gets A Free Pass.
I spent 26 years (I’m 26 as I write this) navigating nonsense, cutting through delusion, refining myself, fixing my flaws, strengthening my clarity. Then I got slammed into starvation, near homelessness, and three months of survival mode at maximum pressure (within these last months).
And now that I’m stepping out of it, this is when most people say, "I deserve to rest."
You can rest. You should rest. Resting is what helps you with what you do, but you don’t get a vacation.
No law says, "You suffered, so now life will hand you complete ease."
You still have to move.
You still have to position yourself.
You still have to stay sharp.
If you sit around waiting for life to hand you comfort, you will rot.
The higher your position, the more responsibility you carry.
The sooner you accept this, the faster you grow. The fewer mistakes you make. The stronger you become.
Because every mistake, when corrected, sharpens you.
Swallow these truths. Move forward.
Doing this is worth more than any illusion of ease ever will.